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Hatches in CADImporterDll/VB6.0

Posted: 08 Dec 2006, 19:48
by fconfort
I tried using the DrawPoly function in the DemoVB program to handle Hatches.

For the most part all goes well.

There seems to be some occasional gliches with points being dropped resulting in MoveToEx being called when LineTo is required and visa versa.

Another problem is that Hatches are not produced properly when the original hatch pattern was scaled to values > 1.

Hatches seem to be produced properly if hatch pattern was scaled by values < 1.

Any ideas?

Posted: 11 Dec 2006, 15:08
by support

If possible, please send us some example files or a screen shot with explanation how you get this bug. Please write us on with a reference to this topic.


please post questions to the forum or write to