CAD Import VCL Review by Dmitry Stepanov, Russia

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CAD Import VCL Review by Dmitry Stepanov, Russia

One of key focus areas of IPK Company is the development and support of specially configured software for housing and community amenities. The software products developed by us have been successfully implemented in large managing companies and banks of our city. One of the leading software products that we develop is TEEP MKD aimed at providing the owners and renters of residential properties, owners of non-residential properties, managing and service companies, national and local authorities with full and reliable information on the usability, technical and economical specifications of buildings.

TEEP MKD contains full data on the structure and area of structural parts and engineering systems of blocks of flats, information on their technical evaluation on base of visual and technical inspections, contracts with energy suppliers, metered values of energy consumption etc.

One of key features of TEEP MKD is work with drawings of buildings and their structural units in different file formats: DWG, DWF, SVG etc. This possibility is realized by integrating CAD Import VCL Import VCL in our software product.

The following features of CAD Import VCL are especially important for us:

  • high speed of reading of files;
  • access to entities of each supported entity;
  • the usage of TCanvas, TImage, TOpenPictureDialog and other standard classes;
  • managing all the layers and any element it contains;
  • support of 3D coordinates;
  • convenient scaling and panning;
  • support of Unicode;
  • compatibility with Report Builder;
  • support of printing.

Dmitry Stepanov,
OOO IPK Company